Elliswick Board Meeting Minutes 16th October 2017

Board Meeting 16th Oct 2017

1 Directors Present

Tony Ward, Phil Jacobs, Debbie Liles, Nefyn Provis-Evans, Victoria Aitchison, Mhairi de Kort, Jim McGown. Anthea Doran.

In attendance: Linda Brown, Jeanette Rickerty , Ben Wood

2 Apologies
Jaap Hesselink and Simon Lowe

3 Board Minutes 4th Sept 2017

Minutes approved and signed as an accurate record.

4 Chairman’s Report

Action tracker was updated:

Linda to include an item on appropriate clothing and footwear in the October newsletter. Also to request members return balls to clubhouse after use and only use the balls from the basket on the rebo wall.

Linda is checking DBS registrations. One will be needed for the new cleaner.

Nefyn is chasing the carpenter who has been ill. Requested that he put a shelf up over the dryer so that the ball tins can be lifted up.

Phil to update the etiquette sheet.

Phil to check the club articles and confirm the percentage of members to non-members allowed under club rules.

Phil had received a proposal for a pilates class to be held in the clubhouse. Cost is £11 per session with max of 8 attendees. Committee felt fees were expensive and not clear on benefit to club- no suggestion of a rental fee. Committee to email Phil will their thoughts

Sunday morning- club is often locked and players starting at 8am cannot access. Agreed Ken to be given a key.

Herts Summer League: seeking views on the format of matches. Tony had discussed with captains and agreed that the club wish to support current format or possibly 2 pairs but playing 3 long sets. Tony will represent captains’ views at the Herts AGM

Tony has discussed with various captains the process for team selection and how we ensure the process is transparent. This follows some complaints that members wishing to play competitive tennis are not sure how to put themselves forward for selection. It has been agreed that mixed teams this winter will have squads allocated with captains encouraged to pick players from their squads. Additional mixed and Datchworth teams may be entered next season (2017/18) to cater for the demand to play team tennis.
Agreed we need a wider discussion to consider both summer and winter teams in light of the needs of the members, court availability, our aims/ambitions for all teams, who the captains are and how long they serve and team selection criteria. Simon and Victoria will lead a working party to consider team strategy – additional interested members will be invited to join the working party at the AGM. Debbie and Phil volunteered to join the group.

A meeting will be held for members on Wed 1st Nov to discuss plans for the extension to the clubhouse. Both Phil Benson and the architect will be present to answer questions. The invitation to members to clarify that this is the only opportunity to discuss the plans: at the AGM there will only be a vote.

5 Membership

Dave Tookey has agreed to help with the renewal process.

Waiting List has now reached 245- an increase of 37 in 2 months. Mhairi has emailed the 45 families who have been on the waiting list for more than 7 months. The waiting list includes 18 people who are prioritised as they are members of existing families and 38 who are currently having coaching.

Last year the committee agreed to change the subscription for the young junior membership (5-8yrs) category. Currently it is £20 but the proposal was to raise to £35: any change will require approval at the AGM. The increase was suggested as this category is invited to structured sessions at junior evening and have access to discounts on coaching courses. Agreed Tony, Mhairi and Ben will consider the junior fee structure and put forward a proposal for the AGM.

6 Tennis Development

The number of members in coaching groups has risen since last year. The addition of a new orange/green group has allowed a few more non-members to attend but overall there is no reduction in the number of members taking lessons in this age group.

Ben has spoken to the head coach at St Albans tennis club and the percentage of members to non-members taking lessons is similar to their program but higher than similar clubs from his knowledge. From 8 and above members account for 70% of attendees: this percentage increases in the older age groups.
The booking process prioritises members over non-members and most courses fill with members.

The 11-14yr groups are nearly all full with members but with the younger players becoming stronger quicker this is creating a bottle neck which Ben would like to address. Tony asked Ben to consider any changes he would like to see to the coaching programme for discussion during contract renewal talks.

7 Grounds
Junior Court: Chiltern will be upgrading the junior court from 11th to 22nd December. They will return in the spring to paint the surface. REBO will remove the wall beforehand and replace it on 10th January: it will be stored at the back of the clubhouse. Four Leylandii have been removed in readiness for the work which has caused a neighbour to raise concerns. Dave will plant some new leylandi along the common boundary and allow the holly hedge behind the junior court to grow. Nefyn will approach Abacus to consider shields around the lights- the neighbour is happy with this plan.

REBO have offered a free course: Nefyn is getting further details. He will check people’s availability before booking it.

All courts have been deep-cleaned and Dave has been using a new brushing technique which has been working well. The committee are not aware of any complaints concerning the courts and so it is recommended Cts 4-7 are replaced in 2019.

Winners boards have all been checked and will be hung in the next few weeks.

Clubhouse keys have been given keys to Dave and to Marco the new cleaner. Some members have noted that the cleaning appears to have improved: this in part is due to a one off deep clean.

Hooks will be put up on all courts apart from court 1, so that players can hang up their coats and bags.

Adult coaching groups are very popular and with increased play in the mornings parking is becoming a real issue for people arriving 10.30/11am. The proposed work to move the bank at the rear of the club house to create extra parking has been looked at by Phil Benson. He is of the opinion that the need to put in a retaining wall will negate any possible increased parking.

Ben reported that the LTA are proactively looking to support clubs in purchasing floodlights with a grant of 25% of costs and a 10 year interest free loan for other 75%. There are a number of caveats and applications need to be made by 31.10.17. In addition the Herts LTA have monies available to support projects.

8 Club House Refurbishment

Plans have been completed by Graham Reid (Architect) and checked and modified by Phil Benson from a structural engineering perspective. Built cost estimate of around £120K. Plans are ready to go to planning authorities if agreed at the AGM. Tony will engage with the neighbours prior to submitting plans. If AGM do not agree to support the extension, we still need to replace the windows and roof as they are leaking and the roof has time-expired.

9 Finance

Tony and Jaap have started compiling the year end accounts and 5yr plan: drafts were circulated. An income of £89k has been generated compared to £88k last year, a profit after depreciation of £10k (2016; £9k) and net cash flow of £24k after infrastructure spend of £11k (2016; Net cash flow £4k). A summary of the accounts will be presented to the AGM. Hicks will prepare the statutory accounts for circulation to members 21 days before the AGM

Tony and Jaap have spoken to Hicks about the year-end work they perform for the club and put a 2k accrual in the accounts to cover. Hick’s fees are higher than expected: the accounts require an independent review rather than an audit and Tony will approach a couple of members to see if they will take this on which should halve the costs in future years.

The 5 year plan has been updated with two scenarios: with and without the clubhouse extension. The quote from the builder (£120k) is more expensive than anticipated although additional quotes will be sought. Both 5 year plans include a provision for additional floodlighting.

5yr plan including extension: cash reserves were very low at year 3. Jim suggested that to manage risk management we consider keeping a cash reserve of 50% of annual subscriptions. This would future proof against a falling membership.

5yr plan excluding extension: allows for the replacement of the windows and roof; junior court upgrade; floodlights and court replacement.

10 Captains Updates

Ladies night has now finished. Victoria coordinates an email round robin of 60 players to ensure at least 4 players turn up. Generally evenings were well supported particularly the prosecco night.

The Winter League match dates are set and the teams are finding their players for the dates in question. First game will be played this Sunday.

Victoria has emailed ladies who attend ladies night about playing in a club winter ladder: singles or doubles format. There has been a positive response and Victoria will email all lady members so that leagues can start. A ladder will enable newer players to get used to match play. The matches will be fun and no results will be published.

Men’s captain update.

Herts. Summer League:

1st team have secured 5th place in a strong Division (1A)

2nd team were relegated from an equally strong Division 2B.

3rd team have won Div 3B and a much deserved promotion.

4th team finished 5th in Division 4B and will stay.

5th team came second in Division 5B and will be promoted.

Simon thanked the mens’ team captains – Colin Moth (3rd) Eric Rovick (4th) & Neal Berry (5th) for their efforts throughout the season in organising players for teams in what has, on the whole, been a very successful year.

Club winter singles: Simon had an excellent response from the men to this new addition to our winter calendar. There are 26 entrants who have been formed into 3 box leagues. There is a £10 entry fee which will be donated to charity. This initiative should improve the standard of play for the men and result in greater success in inter club matches.

11 Social

Comedy night on 18 Nov- details finalised. Tony will source a PA system: there maybe one behind the bar.

Quiz night- 5 tables are filled currently. It was hard to sell this event as it clashes with ½ term

The MacMillian Coffee morning raised more than £100.

Wine tasting evening was well supported and broke even.

Suggested that we run a survey to allow members to suggest what events they would like on the calendar. Also suggested that we plan a summer ball after finals weekend. This would include presentation to the winners/runners up from tournament.

12 Juniors

The early evening session (4.30-6pm) has been very successful with 50-60 children attending regularly. Parents or a responsible adult have to stay for this session. Simon and Rupert are also present

The 6-8pm session is much quieter and parents do not stay- this makes the session quite onerous as it is hard to get additional help. Only Rupert is present from the coaching team.

The tuck shop has been run by children trying to raise money for World Challenge.

Debbie had attended an LTA safeguarding event. Tighter guidelines are being introduced which include health and safety both on court and in the clubhouse.
Ratios for coaching are 1:12 in the older children and 1:6 in younger children. It is not clear if these would be the same for junior night.

Junior captain will need to consider how junior night is manged during the 2018 season and present options for the committee.

13 Wimbledon

The club are usually allocated 5 pairs of tickets which are outside of the main draw. Various options were considered as to how we allocate these tickets. Committee agreed to propose to the AGM that the committee propose club members who have given service to the club during the year to be entered into a separate draw alongside committee members.

14 AGM

21 days before the AGM members to be circulated with notice of who is standing for re-election, any committee vacancies and how to raise any items for discussion.

14 days before the AGM the formal notice of the meeting and accounts should be circulated. Suggested these dates are reviewed for future years so they are consistent.

Proxy voting will be allowed at the AGM and process will need to be circulated.

AGM agenda: Approval of minutes; matters arising from previous year; approval of club accounts; approval of 5 year plan and clubhouse extension; adoption of board reports; membership fees; appointment of a an independent accountant; re-election of officers

All committee members to write a report and send to Tony for compiling by 28th October.

Agreed that the 5 year plan will be amended to show £140k as the estimated cost for the clubhouse extension to include fixtures and fittings and planning costs. At the presentation of the 5 year plan it will be made clear that the majority of the committee support the plan but it is does not have unanimous support.

Officers standing down: Debbie, Anthea and Nick. All were thanked for their support. The tennis development role will not be replaced. Vacancies are: Junior Club Captain, Minutes Secretary and tournament secretary.

Phil to circulate details of the vacant post and those standing for re-election to all members. He will post forms for nominations on the main noticeboard.

Noted that 2 Board members are resigning so the board will need to be mindful that meetings are quorate whilst new board members are approved.

15 AOB

Clubspark- Tony will discuss with Mhairi and Linda. System is free whereas sportsbooker is roughly £800 per annum. Debbie had attended a Herts meeting and a number of clubs were quite negative about clubspark. Concern expressed that the change would mean reregistering all our members.

15 Next meeting

Next Board meeting 29th January 2018

Approved as a true and accurate record

T Ward