Elliswick AGM Minutes 2016
AGM 12th November 2016
1 Directors Present
Steve Segall, Jim McGown, Jaap Hesselink.
Members in attendance:
Sandra Addleman
Victoria Aitchison
Ian Ashton
Barrie Austin
Keith Balaam
Philip Benson
Margaret Benson
Barry Bridgman
Sandy Bridgman
Linda Brown
Mhairi De Kort
Veronica Dodd
Kristian Dodd
Jim Doran
Anthea Doran
Alison Gadd
Rob Gardiner
Steve Hall
Michael Harrison
Hilary Harrison
Philip Ioannou
Phil Jacobs
Nick Luckett
Gillian Mintoft
David Moth
David North
Heather Nye
Gill Parkes
Angela Perry
Nefyn Provis-Evans
Sally Radcliffe
Chris Rice
Kirsty Rickett
Jeanette Rickerty
Eric Rovick
Barry Shackcloth
Catherine Shepherd
Jenny Sheridan
David Sheridan
Josephine Simpson
Ken Smith
Trudie Smither
Tom Walters
Kin Wang
Tony Ward
Dan Watkinson
Antony Weatherly
Ben Wood
Proxy Forms:
Elsa Artbuthnott Proxy: Veronica Dodd
Sue Ashton: Proxy: Ian Ashton
Kathryn Buzzacott Proxy: Jim McGown
Michael Buzzacott Proxy: Jim McGown
Michael Coleby Proxy: Mhairi De Kort
Paul De Kort Proxy: Mhairi De Kort
Jacqueline Dodd Proxy: Mhairi De Kort
David Kendall Proxy: Jim McGown
Simon Lowe Proxy: Steve Segal
John Moore: Proxy: Jim McGown
Christian Plummer Proxy: Mhairi De Kort
Nicholas Rovick: Proxy: Eric Rovick
Kate Simpson Proxy: Mhairi De Kort
Donald Sykes Proxy: Jim McGown
Graham Upton Proxy: Tom Walters
Nigel Waller Proxy: Steve Segal
Duncan Waller Proxy: Steve Segal
Steve Anthoney Proxy: Anthea Doran
The Chairman opened the meeting stating there was a quorum with 51 members present and 18 completed proxy forms received- quorum set at 49 members
2 Apologies
Mary Watkinson, Jacqueline Dodd, John Moore, Frances Hall.
3 AGM Minutes 5th December 2015
Meeting was asked to approve minutes of the last AGM
Proposed: Jenny Sheridan
Seconder: Veronica Dodd
Meeting all in favour.
4 Chairman’s Report
Steve Segal highlighted several successes over the last year:
Completion of the formalities to enable the club to become incorporated with no impact on the tennis and ordinary members.
Highly successful Open Day which has resulted in record levels of membership and a waiting list of 100 potential members
Successful coaching programme which supported and contributed to an increase in membership
Completion of capital projects including the upgrading of the electrical supply, adjustment to floodlights to improve quality of lighting, completion of ladies and mens bathroom refurbishment.
Planning permission obtained for mini courts and work scheduled for Spring 17.
Competitive tennis is strong with teams entered in a variety of leagues providing opportunities to play for all members who wish to play.
Finances are very healthy in the main due to the strong membership numbers.
During the year the Board and committee had recognised the need to consult more widely with members and had sent every member an on line questionnaire: 125 members have responded to date: this represents approximately 20% of the adult membership. Steve highlighted some responses:
Satisfaction with opportunities to turn up and mix in: 118 responses with 80% satisfied.
Desire to increase floodlight provision: 115 answered: 33% not required, 33% required, 33% possibly required.
Able to book at court : 112 answered: 10% always, 75% usually 15% sometimes or never.
Would you be interested in a dinner dance: 122 answered: 40% not interested, 40% indifferent, 20% would attend. This response reflects the indifferent support for social events at the club.
Does the clubhouse meet your needs: 119 answers: 80% felt needs are met.
How well does the club meet your playing needs: 122 answered: 80% very well and 15% OK but could be improved.
Respondents were weighted towards 31-50yr old ladies and 51-65yr old men but all categories were reasonably well represented. The survey enabled free hand comments to be submitted and these were generally constructive with some good suggestions being made. These will be followed up by the incoming Board. However overall answers suggest a high level of satisfaction amongst members.
Steve confirmed that he was standing down from the Chairman’s role at the AGM and thanked the committee for their support during his tenure. He noted that some committee members had been in post for more than 10 years (Jim McGown, Anthea Doran and Mhairi De Kort) He also thanked all the unsung heroes who helped keep the club running and mentioned in particular Sandra Adleman who has helped to keep the clubhouse tidy over many years. He urged members to volunteer for committee and or other supportive roles as more hands are always welcome.
He noted that during his 5 years as Chair he had faced some challenges and thanked Jim McGown in particular for his support, wisdom and experience. He felt that he has left the club in good shape for the incoming Chair and Board.
Committee reports had been circulated to all members with the notice of the AGM. Steve recommended that the meeting adopt the reports in total.
Proposed: Eric Rovick
Seconded: David Moth
Meeting all in favour
5 Finance
Jaap Hesselink gave an over view of the club’s finances- full details had been circulated to members with the AGM notice and papers.
Income for year: 87.7k
Expenses for year: 54.6k
Surplus pre depreciation: 33k versus 23k last year.
New members represented 10k
Guest fees for non-member coaching 1k.
Grounds and property was 11k less year on year and included 4k for asbestos removal.
Plumbing costs: 2k
Legal and Accountancy fees for the incorporation: 5k
Planning fees for junior court: 4k
Open Day advertising: 1.6k
Balls – increase of £325 on last year.
Capital expenditure:
Floodlights: 20k
Furniture for clubhouse: 5.3k
144K reserves
Treasurer recommended that the meeting approve the accounts:
Proposed: Nick Luckett
Seconded: Steve Hall
All members in favour
Treasurer recommended Elliswick LTC appoint Hicks as accountants with responsibility for reporting accounts, filing tax returns and completing mandatory filings for Companies House.
Proposed: Tony Ward
Seconded: Nefyn Provis-Evans
Meeting in favour
Jaap clarified that the company was not liable for any tax but had to file a zero tax return to comply with company law.
6 Subscriptions
On behalf of the Board, Jaap recommended that subscriptions for the coming year be held at 2015/16 season rate.
Proposed: David Watkinson
Seconded: Nick Luckett
Meeting all in favour.
Jaap proposed that the subscription renewal date remain as per current byelaw
Proposed: Steve Hall
Seconded: Rob Gardner
Meeting all in favour.
7 Five Year Plan
The updated 5 year plan had been circulated with the AGM papers.
Income has been inflated at 2% and expenditure at 5%. Income is mainly attributable to membership fees which are higher than at any time in last three years. This income is prone to fluctuation.
Capital projects proposed in the 5 year plan include:
Mini Court upgrade 40k
Paving rear car park 14k
Clubhouse upgrade 50k
Replace Courts 4-7 77k
Floodlights 25k
The cash flow is such that even if all these projects are approved the cash reserves would not be less than 23k at any point.
Work on the clubhouse includes some essential work to the roof and windows. The Board proposes to replace existing windows and clear roof with aluminium which will be more substantial and long lasting. The roof will still be clear to allow light into the clubhouse. This work will cost roughly 25k.
The Board and committee are also considering enclosing the porch area from the main door to the current side door effectively squaring off the clubhouse. Plans include bi-fold doors and would cost roughly 25k. Planning for this work is not required as we would not extend past the existing roof line.
Rob Gardner raised concerns on behalf of some members who feel the porch provides shelter when it is wet or sunny.
Tom Walters raised lack of storage as being a bigger issue rather than creating more internal space. Steve noted that the Board and committee are planning to up date the honours boards with more modern perspex boards and this will allow boards to be consolidated and removed from the area to the right of the bar. Cupboards could then be placed in this area for storage.
A member asked if changes to the clubhouse would enable us to open the waiting list. No plans to do this as the decision to restrict membership was made to ensure all members had ready access to courts. It was hoped that if the membership approved more floodlights this would allow more court access and this might impact the waiting list.
Asked whether increased mini court capacity would enable the junior waiting list to be opened. Currently no plans to do open this list.
Which courts would be marked for additional floodlights? Board would recommend using the consultant who achieved planning for the mini courts. Ideally we would apply for all courts to be floodlit but realistically it may be difficult to get permission for courts 3 and 4 due to their proximity to housing. This being the case it maybe prudent to look at courts 1 and 2 as in effect we would create a block with courts 5 & 6. Advances in floodlight technology would mean we would try to avoid telescopic lights: the Board would recommend the cheapest and most effective solution to a future AGM. Previous applications had focused on visual and noise concerns rather than light pollution. Having had floodlights in use for a few years these issues may no longer concern neighbours.
Will work on the mini courts impact on screening from neighbours? Some of the current hedging will need to be removed but it will be replanted.
Could we investigate a bubble? The fixings would mean either encroaching on existing courts or the neighbour’s gardens.
Steve reiterated that reserves were strong and all proposed capital projects could be completed without the need to increase subscriptions. He moved for the meeting to accept the 5 year plan.
Proposed: Dave Watkinson
Seconded: Ian Ashton
Meeting all in favour
8 Tributes
Jim informed the meeting that Mike our groundsman was retiring at Christmas after 30 years with the club. He noted that every visiting club and prospective member always commented on the grounds which were always beautifully planted and maintained. Equally Mike had always maintained the courts to a high standard which helped to promote their longevity. He thanked Mike for his years of service and on behalf of all the members presented Mike with a watch.
Dave Watkinson will take on the role of groundsman on Mike retirement.
Jim McGown noted that Steve Segal was standing down after 5 years as Club Chairperson. He highlighted some of the projects that Steve had overseen during this time:
Progressed the coaching strategy and overseen the appointment of Ben Wood.
Worked with various committee members and external professionals to ensure that the incorporation of the club was achieved.
Coordinated work to ensure planning permission had been achieved for the new mini courts.
Enhanced the 5 year planning process for club finances
Seen club membership rise to record levels.
Recent membership survey reported satisfaction with the club management.
Jim noted that Steve had shown both humour and enthusiasm when chairing meetings and thanked him for his excellent leadership and management of the club. On behalf of the members Jim, presented Steve with a John Lewis voucher.
9 Election of Club Officers
Chair: Tony Ward Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded: Phil Jacobs
Elected unopposed
Social: Jeannette Rickerty Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded: Phil Jacobs
Elected unopposed
Tennis Development: Nick Luckett Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded Phil Jacobs Elected unopposed
Grounds: Nefyn Provis-Evans Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded: Phil Jacobs
Elected unopposed
Junior Secretary: Debbie Liles: Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded: Phil Jacobs
Elected unopposed
Minutes Secretary: Anthea Doran: Proposed: Jim McGown Seconded: Phil Jacobs Elected unopposed
Ladies Captain: Victoria Aitchison Proposed: Susie Collins Seconded: Keith Balaam Elected unopposed
In addition, Debbie Liles, Nefyn Provis-Evans, Victoria Aitchison and Anthea Doran were elected as Company Directors subject to complying with fitness to serve regulations.
No nominations were received for Tournament Secretary and this post remains vacant.
10 AOB
Jim McGown invited Tony Ward to Chair the remainder of the meeting.
Jim McGown acting as proxy for Kay and Mike Buzzacott raised a concern regarding a group known as Chums and their unintended impact on social tennis. A similar concern was raised by Sandy Bridgeman as proxy for Janet Pointon. She wished meeting to consider Chum’s impact on Tuesday’s ladies morning which is suffering from falling attendance. Janet believes that Chums is creating a club within a club and undermining mix ins.
Background to Chums was given by Kin Wang: it was started as a social group of 5 members playing at the weekend but has expanded to between 40-50 members playing Monday, Wednesday and Fridays morning. The group is organised by Norman Hoare who books courts and notifies members if they are playing and with whom.
Sandy Bridgman recognised that the group had become larger than had been intended and she had recently asked to join Chums as she was struggling to get any social tennis. She agreed that Norman and other members were very inclusive and welcoming but had concerns that its success was negatively impacting on mix ins. She also questioned how new members would meet existing members and improve their games if mix ins were to fold. She suggested that the number of courts that Chums can book was limited so that those who were unable to play in Chums would attend the Tuesday and Thursday mix ins.
Dave Watkinson clarified that this was an organised group which formed fixed fours but all members were able to join.
Steve Segal noted that this was an issue that the Board and committee had wrestled with but found no real solution. Nick Luckett had spoken to Norman and he was anxious that it was not seen as an exclusive clique: he was equally surprised at how it had grown. Committee and Board also recognised that the group was providing regular tennis for 40-50 members who may not otherwise play regularly.
Suggested that Norman is asked if he would organise over 5 days so in effect organises the club’s mix ins. Agreed this was not realistic. Also suggested that some of the concerns relate to court pressure as courts are booked on Wed and Friday mornings which are traditionally very busy. As such maybe the Chums could be asked to move to an afternoon.
Suggested that Ben’s ladies groups maybe the next supporters of Ladies Morning. Currently these ladies can be nervous of joining in on a Tuesday and maybe if it is quieter they would feel more comfortable.
Barry Shackcloth noted that social tennis had fallen off before Chums and this just reflected that times are changing and members want different things. For social tennis to survive it needs membership support.
The recent survey suggested that members were happy with the number of opportunities the club provides for social tennis.
The club sells social tennis as a key factor when attracting new members and this is being undermined by Chums. Suggested that this is just a different form of social tennis but instead of taking a chance that you will get a game, a member knows that they will play.
If group is inclusive there needs to be a contact published so members know who to approach if they wish to join.
Angela Perry noted that social tennis has been introduced at Harpenden which demonstrates a need for this type of facility.
Chums suits members who work at weekends and cannot attend the Saturday and Sunday morning mix ins.
Keith Balaam, a new member said that he had not found it easy to join in at mix in. He had approached Norman to join Chums and found it a positive experience.
Tony Ward summarised: Chums is very successful and growing group but rather than undermining it, it needs to fit alongside existing social tennis. Members feel strongly that social tennis is important to the club and should be preserved.
Tony committed the Board and committee to looking at this issue over next few weeks but warned that some compromise would need to be reached.
Timing of AGMs:
The change to a company has introduced a number of statutory filings to accompany year end. This makes it more difficult to finalise all year end admin by the beginning of November in time for the AGM. Agreed to move future AGMs to the end of November.
Discussion as to whether to return to an evening meeting or remain with a Saturday morning. Agreed that a Saturday morning allows a greater cross section of the club to attend and so next year’s date will be on a Saturday.
11 Next AGM
AGM: Sat 25 November 2017 10.00am in the clubhouse
Approved as a true and accurate record
T Ward
Chair 25.11.2017